WCSJ postpones World Conference to 2023
Many of you may have concerns about the lack of information about the World Conference of Science Journalists, 2022, in MedellĂn, Colombia. Behind the scenes our committees have been extremely busy finalizing arrangements with our beautiful venue, organizing a dynamic program, and ensuring the social events will be as memorable as you would expect from a WCSJ event.
For several weeks now we, the organizers, have had difficult discussions, arising from the ongoing pandemic and the willingness of people to travel as we come out of the global Omicron wave. However, event planners have not been able to raise sufficient funding to hold a June conference that would meet the quality standard our community values. As some of our meetings and plans were delayed over the end of 2021 and early 2022, and because the world of physical events is moving more slowly than many of us would like, we believe it would be best to push back the in-person WCSJ to March 2023, when we hope you will enjoy what we have on offer.
Our committees and volunteers have worked hard to coordinate thought-provoking and inspiring sessions, and we want to do justice to their program. Delaying the in-person event to March 2023 will allow us to bring more people to the venue and to host a stimulating event for our global science journalism community.
Tim Lougheed, Executive Director
On Behalf of the WFSJ Board of Directors